How I deep condition with extensions

So, this post is for the few people who add braids and twists the old fashioned way lol. I don’t recommend this for crochet hair just because normal the hair and the extension hair only meet at the root (if I get a crochet style I’ll definitely attempt to wash and deep condition).

Anyways, since I do my own hair I still like to wash and D.C. with my twists in just to keep my hair and scalp fresh and moisturized. It’s basically the same way you would D.C. your own hair except you’ll only smooth the deep conditioner to where your hair begins and ends in the strand.

I make sure to try and coat each strand as much as possible since it is time consuming. After I let it sit, I rinse it out normally, blot with a towel, and air dry. But, I left the extensions longer than I usually would and it’s now cold out. So for this particular time, I’ll sit under my hooded dryer to speed the process up a bit. So once the hair is fully dry, I typically retwist/rebraid but I’m nearing the 3 month mark so at the end of December I’ll be taking it out and letting my hair breath.

For this particular deep condition session, I used what I had left of the Pure Oils by Silk Elements Intense Conditioning & Hydration Masque. It can be found at Sally’s in case you want to check it out.



This is not a product endorsement or advertisement, this product was brought by me.

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